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In this section we will discuss how to create, retrieve and list orders. The orders of your trading bot are centrally managed by the algorithm component. In your strategy you can create orders, retrieve orders and list orders through the algorithm component. The following orders are supported by the framework:

  • Limit buy orders
  • Limit sell orders
  • Market sell orders

Creating limit buy order

You can create orders by using the following methods of the framework

from investing_algortihm_framework import OrderSide

@app.strategy(time_unit=TimeUnit.SECOND, interval=5)
def perform_strategy(algorithm: Algorithm, market_data: Dict[str, Any]):
symbol="<symbol>", # E.g BTC
order_side=OrderSide.BUY, # or "buy"

Creating a limit buy order based on a percentage of your portfolio

from investing_algortihm_framework import OrderSide

@app.strategy(time_unit=TimeUnit.SECOND, interval=5)
def perform_strategy(algorithm: Algorithm, market_data: Dict[str, Any]):
symbol="<symbol>", # E.g BTC
order_side=OrderSide.BUY, # or "buy"
percentage_of_portfolio=20 # Invest 20% of your portfolio unallocated funds

You can also set the precision of the order by using the precision parameter. The precision parameter is used to round the amount of the order to the given precision. E.g. if you set the precision to 2, the amount of the order will be rounded to 2 decimals.

from investing_algortihm_framework import OrderSide
@app.strategy(time_unit=TimeUnit.SECOND, interval=5)
def perform_strategy(algorithm: Algorithm, market_data: Dict[str, Any]):
symbol="<symbol>", # E.g BTC
order_side=OrderSide.BUY, # or "buy"
percentage_of_portfolio=20, # Invest 20% of your portfolio unallocated funds
precision=4 # Round the amount of the order to 4 decimals

Creating a limit sell order

from investing_algortihm_framework import OrderSide

@app.strategy(time_unit=TimeUnit.SECOND, interval=5)
def perform_strategy(algorithm: Algorithm, market_data: Dict[str, Any]):
symbol="<symbol>", # E.g BTC
order_side=OrderSide.SELL, # or "sell"

Creating a limit sell order based on a percentage of your position

from investing_algortihm_framework import OrderSide

@app.strategy(time_unit=TimeUnit.SECOND, interval=5)
def perform_strategy(algorithm: Algorithm, market_data: Dict[str, Any]):
symbol="<symbol>", # E.g BTC
order_side=OrderSide.SELL, # or "sell"
percentage_of_position=20 # Sell 20% of your position of the given symbol

You can also set the precision of the order by using the precision parameter. The precision parameter is used to round the amount of the order to the given precision. E.g. if you set the precision to 2, the amount of the order will be rounded to 2 decimals.

from investing_algortihm_framework import OrderSide

@app.strategy(time_unit=TimeUnit.SECOND, interval=5)
def perform_strategy(algorithm: Algorithm, market_data: Dict[str, Any]):
symbol="<symbol>", # E.g BTC
order_side=OrderSide.SELL, # or "sell"
percentage_of_position=20, # Sell 20% of your position of the given symbol
precision=4 # Round the amount of the order to 4 decimals

Closing a position with a limit sell order

Closing a position can easily be done by using the close_position method of your algorithm component. This method will create a limit sell order for the given symbol and amount of the position.

from investing_algortihm_framework import OrderSide

@app.strategy(time_unit=TimeUnit.SECOND, interval=5)
def perform_strategy(algorithm: Algorithm, market_data: Dict[str, Any]):
algorithm.close_position(<symbol>) # E.g BTC close your BTC position

Creating a market sell order

A market sell order can be created by using the create_market_order method of your algorithm component.

from investing_algortihm_framework import OrderSide

@app.strategy(time_unit=TimeUnit.SECOND, interval=5)
def perform_strategy(algorithm: Algorithm, market_data: Dict[str, Any]):
symbol="<symbol>", # E.g BTC
order_side=OrderSide.SELL, # or "sell"

Retrieving an order

You can retrieve an order by using the get_order method of your algorithm component. If you want to retrieve an order by reference id (Order id set to the order from the broker or exchange), you can do this in the following way:

from investing_algortihm_framework import OrderSide

@app.strategy(time_unit=TimeUnit.SECOND, interval=5)
def perform_strategy(algorithm: Algorithm, market_data: Dict[str, Any]):
order = algorithm.get_order(reference_id=<your broker/exchange order id>))

Retrieving an order with other parameters

You can retrieve an order by symbol and market in the following way.

Multiple orders mismatch

Keep in mind that when there exist multiple orders for a given symbol or market, you will likely not retrieve the order you are looking for. It is probably better to retrieve the order by reference id or list all orders and filter the order you are looking for.

from investing_algortihm_framework import OrderSide

@app.strategy(time_unit=TimeUnit.SECOND, interval=5)
def perform_strategy(algorithm: Algorithm, market_data: Dict[str, Any]):
order = algorithm.get_order(
market=<market e.g. binance, bitvavo>,
target_symbol=<target symbol e.g. btc, dot>,
trading_symbol=<trading symbol e.g. eur>,
order_side=<order side e.g. SELL, BUY>,
order_type=<order type e.g. LIMIT, MARKET>,

Listing all orders

You can list all orders by using the get_orders method of your algorithm component.

from investing_algortihm_framework import OrderSide

@app.strategy(time_unit=TimeUnit.SECOND, interval=5)
def perform_strategy(algorithm: Algorithm, market_data: Dict[str, Any]):
orders = algorithm.get_orders(
market=<market e.g. binance, bitvavo>,
target_symbol=<target symbol e.g. btc, dot>,
status=<status of the order e.g. FILLED, OPEN>,
order_side=<order side e.g. SELL, BUY>,
order_type=<order type e.g. LIMIT, MARKET>,

Checking pending orders

You can check the status of your orders by using the check_pending_orders method of your algorithm component. The framework will automatically update the status of your order if it has been changed by the broker or exchange. This means that the filled, remaining, status and order fee attributes of your order will be updated.

Pending orders are checked automatically

The framework will automatically check your pending orders every time your strategy runs. This means that you don't have to call the check_pending_orders method of your algorithm component in your strategy. This method is only useful if you want to check the status of your orders in between strategy runs (e.g. in a recurring task you define or when you you want to call the method again in your strategy).

from investing_algortihm_framework import OrderSide

@app.strategy(time_unit=TimeUnit.SECOND, interval=5)
def perform_strategy(algorithm: Algorithm, market_data: Dict[str, Any]):